Lokanta Logo - Bronze - 2022 ADDYS
Lokanta Collateral - Bronze - 2022 ADDYS
Lokanta Turkish Grill draws its inspiration from the rich tapestry of Turkish cuisine and architectural heritage. The intricate peaks adorning the windows and mosques served as the muse for the Lokanta wordmark, echoing the elegance and grace of Turkish design. Paying homage to our renowned Doner meat, I incorporated olive elements flanking the wordmark, mimicking the appearance of the meat on skewers.
Delving deeper into the essence of Turkish culture, I meticulously crafted patterns and design elements reminiscent of traditional fabrics and tiles. Every detail was carefully considered to reflect the beauty and intricacy that defines Turkish culture. At Lokanta, the mission is to capture the essence of Turkish tradition and present it to guests in a way that is as exquisite and captivating as the culture itself.
BRAND Collateral